Van WikiGTA - De Nederlandse Grand Theft Auto Walkthrough!
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GTA | Real life | Type |
San Andreas (stad) | San Francisco | Locatie |
San Andreas (staat) | Californië en Nevada | Locatie |
Los Santos | Los Angeles | Locatie |
San Fierro | San Francisco | Locatie |
Las Venturas | Las Vegas | Locatie |
Vice City | Miami | Locatie |
Liberty City | New York | Locatie |
Alderney | New Jersey | Locatie |
Alderney City | Jersey City | Locatie |
Bohan | Bronx | Locatie |
Dukes | Queens | Locatie |
Algonquin | Manhattan | Locatie |
Broker | Brooklyn | Locatie |
Happiness Island | Liberty Island | Locatie |
Statue of Happiness | Statue of Liberty | Gebouw |
Rotterdam Tower | Empire State Building | Gebouw |
Civilization Committee | United Nations | Gebouw |
Civic Citadel | World Financial Center | Gebouw |
Zirconium Building | Chrysler Building | Gebouw |
Middle Park | Central Park | Locatie |
Star Junction | Times Square | Locatie |
Broker Bridge | Brooklyn Bridge | Brug |
Broker Navy Yard | Brooklyn Navy Yard | Locatie |
Algonquin Bridge | Manhattan Bridge | Brug |
Colony Island | Roosevelt Island | Locatie |
East Borough Bridge | Triborough Bridge | Brug |
Charge Island | Randalls-Wards Island | Locatie |
BOABO | DUMBO | Locatie |
GetaLife | MetLife | Bedrijf |
Booth Tunnel | Lincoln Tunnel | Tunnel |
Fannie | Annie | Musical |
69th Street | 42th Street | Musical |
Guys and Dogs | Guys and Dolls | Musical |
My Fair Ladyboy | My Fair Lady | Musical |
Rats | Cats | Musical |
Saterday Night Beaver | Saterday Night Fever | Musical |
Cut | Hair | Musical |
Badfellas | Goodfellas | Film |
Soldiers of Misfortune | Soldiers of Fortune | Film |
Duck Pond | Swan Lake | Musical |
Ganton | Compton | Locatie |
Vinewood | Hollywood | Locatie |
Gant Bridge | Golden Gate Bridge | Brug |
Garver Bridge | Forth Road Bridge | Brug |
Kincaid Bridge | Forth Bridge | Brug |
Pleasure Domes | Castillo de San Joaquin | Gebouw |
V-Rock Hotel | Hardrock Hotel | Hotel/casino |
Hooker Inn | Holiday Inn | Hotel |
Vercetti Estate | Tony Montana's villa | Gebouw |
Wizard of Ass | Wizard of Oz | Film |
Reservoir Dregs | Reservoir Dogs | Film |
Sherman Dam | Hoover Dam | Gebouw |
Sunny | Sony | Bedrijf |
Big Pointy Building | Transamerica Pyramid | Gebouw |
Caligula's Palace | Ceasar's Palace | Hotel/casino |
The Camel's Toe | Luxor Hotel | Hotel/casino |
The Casino | The Casino | Hotel/casino |
The Visage | The Mirage | Hotel/casino |
Pirates in Men's Pants | Treasure Island Casino | Hotel/casino |
Pirates in Men's Pants | The Pirate Queen | Musical |
Come-a-Lot | Excalibur | Hotel/casino |
Royal Casino | Casino Royale | Hotel/casino |
The Clown's Pocket | Las Vegas Circus | Hotel/casino |
Area 69 | Area 51 | Locatie |
Lil' Probe'Inn | Little A'Le'Inn | Bedrijf |
San Andreas breuklijn | San Andreas breuklijn | Locatie |
Zombotech Corporation | Umbrella Corporation | Bedrijf |
Burger Shot | Burger King | Fastfoodketen |
Cluckin' Bell | Kentucky Fried Chicken | Fastfoodketen |
Gruppe Sechs | Gruppe Sieben, Securicor plc en Group 4 Falck A/S | Bedrijf |
Windy, Windy, Windy, Windy Street | Lombard Street | Locatie |
Hippy Shopper | Happy Shopper | Bedrijf |
Spand Express | FedEx | Bedrijf |
Gasso | Esso | Bedrijf |
ZIP/GASH | GAP | Bedrijf |
24-7 | 7-Eleven | Bedrijf |
Pier 69 | Pier 39 | Locatie |
Sprunk | Sprite | Voedsel |
Eris | Nike | Bedrijf |
Jefferson Towers | Watts Towers | Gebouw |
USS Numnutz | USS Nimitz | Duikboot |
Biglogs Cock-O-Pops | Kellogs Choco Pops | Voedsel |
SubStandard | SubWay | Bedrijf |
True Grime Street Cleaners | True Crime | Bedrijf |
America's next top hooker | America's next top model | Televisieshow |
Max Renda | Max Factor | Bedrijf |
Panoramic | Panasonic | Bedrijf |
Crowex | Rolex | Bedrijf |
The Mainframe | The Matrix | Film |
Max Paynt | Max Payne | Bedrijf |
Max Pane | Max Payne | Bedrijf |
Smith & Heston's | Smith & Wesson | Bedrijf |
NOOSE | SWAT | Overheid |
FIB | FBI | Overheid |
CJD-500 | Sega Megadrive | Spelcomputer |
Disgracelands | Gracelands | Locatie |
Ryder | Eazy-E | Personage |
The Samartians | The Samaritans | |
Old Venturas Strip safe house | Barbary Coast Hotel | Hotel/casino |
Krapea | Ikea | Bedrijf |
Fruit | Apple | Bedrijf |
Wolfie Vilans | Kolonel Olrik | Personage |
Fun World | Disney World Florida | Pretpark |
Rockster Video Games | Rockstar Games | Bedrijf |
The Portland Chainsaw Masquerade | The Texas Chainsaw Massacre | Missie |
The Passion of the Heist | The Passion of the Christ | Missie |
The Whole 9 Yardies | The Whole Nine Yards | Missie |
L.C. Confidential | L.A. Confidential | Missie |
Love and Bullets | Love and Bullets | Missie |
The Shoreside Redemption | The Shawshank Redemption | Missie |
Don in 60 Seconds | Gone in 60 Seconds | Missie |
Love on the Run | Love on the Run | Missie |
King Knuts | Burger King | Fastfoodketen |
Libre Havana | Ché Guevara | |
Full Moon | E.T. scène | Film |
Loot & Wank | World of Warcraft | Computerspel |
Fidl | Litl | Bedrijf |
BAWSAQ | NASDAQ | Bedrijf |
DUDE | MAN | Automerk |
Grotti | Ferrari | Automerk |
Jugular | Jaguar | Automerk |
Porka | Porche | Automerk |
Itali | Ferrari | Automerk |
Ferocious | Ferrari | Automerk |
Tramp | Triumph | Automerk |
Zirconium | Chrysler | Automerk |
Liberty City Transport Authority | Metropolitan Transport Authority | Bedrijf | | (oorspronkelijke site offline) | Website |
Bug | Volkswagen Kever | Auto |
Garden Shed | Citroën 2CV | Auto |
Myni | Mini | Auto |
Brit | Mini | Auto |
Fab | FAB1 | Auto |
Liberty City, It's Over! | New York, I Love You | Film |